Top 10 Expo Packages That You Must Use

Top 10 Expo Packages That You Must Use cover

Expo is a fantastic tool for building React Native apps, and its ecosystem is packed with packages that can save you time and effort. Here’s a list of the top 10 Expo packages that are widely popular and incredibly useful for developers. Each package is accompanied by a short code example to help you get started quickly.


If your app needs maps, react-native-maps is the go-to package. It integrates seamlessly with Expo and provides a smooth mapping experience. Whether you’re adding markers, custom overlays, or directions, this package has you covered.

import MapView, { Marker } from 'react-native-maps';

  style={{ flex: 1 }}
    latitude: 37.78825,
    longitude: -122.4324,
    latitudeDelta: 0.0922,
    longitudeDelta: 0.0421,
  <Marker coordinate={{ latitude: 37.78825, longitude: -122.4324 }} />


For apps that require camera functionality, expo-camera is a must. It allows you to capture photos and videos, scan barcodes, and even detect faces. The API is straightforward and works well for most use cases.

import { Camera } from 'expo-camera';

  style={{ flex: 1 }}
  {/* Your custom UI here */}


Handling push notifications is a breeze with expo-notifications. It supports scheduling, handling incoming notifications, and customizing notification content. Perfect for keeping users engaged.

import * as Notifications from 'expo-notifications';

  content: {
    title: "Hello!",
    body: "This is a notification from Expo.",
  trigger: { seconds: 2 },


For audio and video playback, expo-av is the package you need. It supports playing sound files, streaming videos, and even recording audio. The API is intuitive and works across platforms.

import { Audio } from 'expo-av';

const playSound = async () => {
  const { sound } = await Audio.Sound.createAsync(
  await sound.playAsync();


Need to let users upload images? expo-image-picker makes it easy to access the device’s photo library or camera to select or capture images. It’s a staple for profile picture uploads and similar features.

import * as ImagePicker from 'expo-image-picker';

const pickImage = async () => {
  let result = await ImagePicker.launchImageLibraryAsync({
    mediaTypes: ImagePicker.MediaTypeOptions.Images,
    allowsEditing: true,
  if (!result.cancelled) {


When your app needs to access the user’s location, expo-location is the way to go. It provides geolocation services, including getting the current position, watching for changes, and even geocoding addresses.

import * as Location from 'expo-location';

const getLocation = async () => {
  let { status } = await Location.requestForegroundPermissionsAsync();
  if (status !== 'granted') return;

  let location = await Location.getCurrentPositionAsync({});


For local database storage, expo-sqlite is a lightweight and efficient solution. It’s perfect for apps that need to store data offline or manage complex queries.

import * as SQLite from 'expo-sqlite';

const db = SQLite.openDatabase('db.db');
db.transaction(tx => {


Adding gradients to your app’s UI is simple with expo-linear-gradient. It’s a great way to enhance the visual appeal of your app without much effort.

import { LinearGradient } from 'expo-linear-gradient';

  colors={['#4c669f', '#3b5998', '#192f6a']}
  style={{ padding: 15, alignItems: 'center', borderRadius: 5 }}
  {/* Your content here */}


Sharing files or content from your app is made easy with expo-sharing. Whether it’s a PDF, image, or text, this package simplifies the process of sharing data with other apps.

import * as Sharing from 'expo-sharing';

const shareFile = async () => {
  await Sharing.shareAsync('file:///path/to/file.pdf');


Custom fonts can make your app stand out, and expo-font makes it easy to load and use them. It’s a small but powerful package for enhancing your app’s typography.

import * as Font from 'expo-font';

const loadFonts = async () => {
  await Font.loadAsync({
    'Custom-Font': require('./assets/fonts/CustomFont.ttf'),

Final Thoughts

These Expo packages are essential tools for building modern, feature-rich React Native apps. They’re widely used, well-documented, and backed by the Expo community. Whether you’re working on a small project or a large-scale app, these packages will save you time and help you deliver a polished product. Happy coding! 🚀

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