This news app is a complete news app for the IOS and Android platform. It's written with React Native, Expo Router and NativeWind. This UI Kit comes with more than 50+ screens with light and dark theme support.
We have prepared all the app screens as well as its pixel-perfect components ready to be integrated with your backend API. The codebase is written with Typescript and has a clean structure that easy to understand.
This app is built on top of all the well-known dependencies, we ensure to use the best of which open source has to provide and best technology the stack has to offer.
You may choose any fonts from Google Fonts library or your own custom fonts as well as the whole icons provided by Tabler Icons. In addition to that, it also come with five unique layouts which are the Sidebar, Tabs, Modal, Bottom Sheet and Top Tabs.
This UI Kit provides a comprehensive set of screens and features for building a news application. It includes more than 100+ screens and components. With this UI Kit, developers can quickly build a feature-rich news application for both iOS and Android platforms using React Native.
Overall, this React Native UI Kit streamlines the development process and provides a solid foundation for creating a robust and visually appealing news app with a consistent user experience across multiple platforms.
- 120 FPS Animations
- Customizable Carousel
- Dark mode support
- Expo SDK 52
- Google/Apple Map Integration
- Infinite load and pagination
- Input validation with Zod
- Loading Skeleton
- React Router 3
- Theming Support
- TypeScript support
- Unlimited Google Fonts
- Verification with useForm
- NativeWind
- Pixel Perfect UI
- Pull to Refresh
- Light mode support
- Zustand state management
- Expo Status Bar
- NativeWind
- React
- React Native
- React Native Gesture Handler
- React Native Safe Area Context
- Tabler Icons React Native
- Axios
- Dotenv
- Expo
- Expo Router
- Expo Splash Screen
- Expo System Ui
- Expo Web Browser
- React Hook Form
- React Native MMKV
- React Native Masked View
- React Native Reanimated
- React Native Reanimated Carousel
- React Native Screens
- React Native Svg
- Zustand
- Bottom Sheet
- Modal
- Sidebar
- Tabs
- Carousel